We should all take a note from Plum and learn to better tolerate and avoid judging things that creep us out, so I’d like to take this time to formally apologize to those zombies outside my window. I shouldn’t have judged them for being a whole week early for Halloween. For all I know they just got faulty calendars and I was hasty to assume they just suck at reading dates. I should be more tolerant and embrace them, because I know I wouldn’t like it if people OH GOD THEY’RE EATING MY FLESH!
Do you think vegetarian zombies would be allowed to eat fruit-people flesh?
Zombies have no working taste buds or stomachs, so as long as they think they’re eating people flesh I think they’d be content.
i would imagine the fruit people have to crack their necks often due to the giant ass fruit on their heads
Ugly pants?
Imagine a pair of pants with tennis balls all over them. That image comes nowhere close to how bizarre and crazy these royal tennis ball pants look like.