Oh snap, things just got real! These kinds of dramatic reveals almost always have a name, and it’s good to see where things are going here in the FIniverse. You never know what may happen next or how things would be if they were different.
- Fruit Incest is a serious documentary about the rise and fall of Pixie Stix.
- Yours truly Miss Hedgehog spends her time as an online critic for knock-off snack brands, and one who’s open to bribes.
- Wally the Whale is a relatively unknown ABC sitcom that was used to fill up a bad time slot in between new seasons.
- Nerdy cartoon characters on WordPress spend their time commenting on a local blog about the everyday antics of a Norwegian DJ.
- “Relatively Fresh” is the catch phrase of a countrywide brewery. They were made fun of for their Beergasm commercials before being forced to switch to the less catchy “Get drunk with us.”
- Socks never got the appreciation they truly deserve. The gods of comfort wept for days.
- The FIniverse still exists, but as a badly drawn webcomic about Fire Inbreeders.
Snake has a kid? D:
well that explains the right angle mustache, and nothing else
This is as surprising as the companion cube! Whatta twist!