It was real fun thinking up all the typical trainers PT could run into throughout his journey, but once again, cut for time. Luckily we managed to see the iconic Hiker and Lass trainer types show up and it was pretty fun trying to come up with original looking designs for them while still sticking to traditional looks. Well, at least it was fun for Lass, Hikers all tend to look mostly the same. Also, I think I now know why they always have their eyes closed…
A minor detail, I noticed a couple errors in this comic after it was finished. Pokemon Trainer’s keychain keeps going from one triangle on it to two. Also, Lass’s sweater isn’t properly inked in the last panel. I’d fix this, but I’m sure there’s plenty more minor details I overlooked so far, so I’ll take this opportunity to include the entire Pokemon Adventure arc in my ever growing counter of bananas.
OCD count: 18
Could this be Brock’s evil twin?
why are hikers fat?
Because they’d rather stand around waiting for little kids to beat up than actually hike. The real question is why aren’t any of the other trainers fat?
Because they keep running from and around the hikers that stand around?
So no bathroom breaks, eh? No wonder they smell so bad.
Panel 3, the boys hair isn’t black :p