You might have noticed some unusual shades of greyish blue in this page. It’s something I’ve debated for a while, but I figured it was time I start colouring certain things in this series. I’ve used pink for love energy, and recently introduced orange cat energy, but there’s other types of energy I’ve already been showing since before I even did digital comics. It’s impossible for me to go back and change them all, so I opted not to do it, but now that cat energy is involved, it seems weird not to colour in stuff like Ether lanterns or portals. If I had the time, I’d at least go back and edit a couple more recent things, but then I’d probably get trapped in revision hell, so for now, enjoy this sudden acceptance of weird stuff existing in this monochrome world.
OCD count: 131
This is what happens when you go into the tv and drag your sister along, everything starts getting colored in.