Some people might enjoy seeing some weird insight into certain characters. Others might be bored and are anxiously waiting for more adventures where Little Miss Tomato breaks the fourth wall and uses her speech balloons to water some plants by poking them with a chunk of the panel edge she pulled off. I won’t say either are more or less canon than the other.
I don’t really think you can take your time at falling.
Sure you can. What about a parachute?
Or flying a glider: gliding is nothing but taking your time at falling.
Or, for the ultimate example: being in orbit is you taking your time at falling so much that it can be years before you hit the ground, if ever.
I did not know that speech balloons were filled with water. You learn something new every day.
Only if you repeat “water water water” for a little while to fill them up.
So if you said “money money money” over and over again and popped the speech balloon, would you be rich?