I’m not even sure if yellow pages are still a thing. I haven’t lived in a proper home in years, but we’d still get those sent every X months or so back when I was in high school, so unless they discontinued them recently, this joke is only slightly outdated. It’s kind of sad how technology has killed many classic cartoon style jokes that probably have no pace in modern comedies. They still belong in webcomics though!
I think they are still a thing but are rarely used. Probably have an online version too unless they went the way of the blockbuster. I imagine the next generation finding the dusty volumes and saying “Dad, the hell is this?”
He’s going to disappointed when he find out it’s actually a class on masonry wall repair, sailing into the wind, and sculpture technique.
*looks around shiftily* …I may or may not have looked up obscure definitions of “pointing” today….
*to be disappointed, even. Verbs are very helpful things to include in a sentence.