You know, I never noticed how often I get incapacitated until I started this comic. The worst part is it’s never anything cool either, it’s always just one big fever, or back pain, or being trapped under a rusted garage door. I guess some people just aren’t born into excitement.
feel better dearie
But, on the other hand…
Happy Birthday! :D
Miss Hedgey’s birthday?
Let me find the brownie mix!
Reminds me of when I was sitting on the couch watching the television.
It had the quirkiest show that I didn’t want to watch, but I couldn’t lift myself off the couch.
After internalising a complicated situation in my head I got up and browsed the electronic interweb instead of doing examination papers from the year before.
I said this before, but Happy Biiiiiirthday!
Even though the clock has probably turned past 12.
Oh well.