You don’t always have easy to use cash when you need it. Learning to spend money wisely is part of growing up, but you’re not an adult until you learn to procrastinate going to the bank as long as possible.
Well, they say charity begins at home (or in this case, hometown)…
Also, if he has “just enough” to buy himself some sandwiches, was he really planning on eating four sandwiches himself before the kids showed up? (or 2.5, if each kid had a half-length/smaller sandwich?)
Ah sandwiches, always better when made by another person, unless they mess it up.
Well, they say charity begins at home (or in this case, hometown)…
Also, if he has “just enough” to buy himself some sandwiches, was he really planning on eating four sandwiches himself before the kids showed up? (or 2.5, if each kid had a half-length/smaller sandwich?)
Yes. Yes he was.