Alright, this printer/scanner thing is just getting more and more frequent and I’m really beginning to hate it now. I keep trying to figure it out and work around it, but whenever I try to outsmart my scanner it surprises me with another cropped up image. Despite this though, every once in a while I look at a comic and think “Oh there’s no way it’s going to accept this without ruining the quality,” and it happens without fail every time. Just what’s going on that I can only predict when things go wrong?

Today I drew a comic and noticed the sketch was gorgeous. I then began to think about how I’ve gotten better at sketching, but my inking still isn’t perfect. I think my scanner problem has something to do with how I ink. Sometimes when I trace over my sketches I get nice crisp lines. Other times I get grainy and thick lines that cover up the whole sketch lines. When my scanner detects this, I don’t know why, but it takes these bad quality lines and makes them worse. Should I start using professional inking pens instead of just making thicker darker lines with my pencil? Should I just upload sketches? Maybe if I sketched on paper and inked on my computer things would be easier, but I’m at a loss.

Basically, this post is me apologizing for the quality of comics lately. Most of you probably don’t even notice or care, which I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or not, but every time this happens I know that I have a much better quality comic right in front of me and I can’t share it with the fans who kept me going this long, and that’s just not good enough. I guess I’m just sick of venting in the comic blogs so frequently and needed an official Cocktail post once and for all, but this is just ridiculous. Remember to love your lolis everyone, cause they sure need it.