Ah, the poor neglected Cocktail section. Ignored even more often than the poor Concentrate section. I guess it is very unprofessional having a blog section but nothing to blog about. It’s not my fault though, there’s just not much to say. I sit down, draw a comic, and upload the QUALITY artwork to the public with some sarcastic quips in there. There’s nothing more to say unless you want updates on my regular life, which aren’t that impressive.

If you must know though, I’m starting a new job tomorrow. I haven’t gotten my hours yet, but I’ve been told it’s an overnight position, so comics may be rushed a bit for a while before I get the hang of things. My general nothingness shouldn’t be too greatly interrupted though, so fear not loyal fans who decoded the “new update” message.

In other news, I have some ideas on what to do with my Cocktail/Concentrate goodness, but those ideas have been in the works for quite a while and I’m too lazy to get started. So please, everyone nag me until I get off my butt and do some actual work or I’ll probably take even longer! Go, for the sake of that thing you don’t know what it is yet!