I am very disappointed with myself. I made all these plans for the big 200 until I realized I was screwed. I couldn’t draw a big epic story showing the Pacman ghosts as humans. It would be a violation of the Pacman fandom. I’d have to settle for poor cave paintings with stick figures worshiping three quarters of a pizza. I apologize to all of you for such an anti-climactic comic, and especially to those of you reading this from the future. I can only imagine what horrible things Fruit Incest has devolved into by your time.
- Fruit Incest is a serious documentary about the cocktail disaster of the 2006 Bartender Olympics.
- Yours truly Miss Hedgehog working as a temp in the sales department of an office toy manufacturing company.
- Wally the Whale is the codename used by a member of Anonymous who got arrested on his first rally.
- Nerdy lumberjacks on WordPress spend their time commenting on a local blog about the everyday antics of a park ranger.
- “Relatively Fresh” is the catch phrase of a Will Smith fan club. They were made fun of for their Fan Dumb before being forced to switch to the less catchy “Will is okay.”
- Nachos never got the appreciation they truly deserve. The Pokemon gods wept for days.
- The FIniverse still exists as a badly drawn webcomic about Frog Innkeepers.
That’s fine. The comic sets up to the next one well.
does this mean you’re gonna draw a frog innkeeper at some point.
you weird
This comic isn’t about Frog Innkeepers?
God, I’ve been wrong for 200 comics.
Has your handwriting changed, Homie?
It’s hard to write legibly on a tablet. This is why I stick to pencil/paper most of the time. @_@
Everything I knew about Pacman has been shattered. Well, except for my high scores.