One thing that’s bothered me recently was the little comments feature. No, I’m not talking about the comments themselves (although those who do leave them thank you very much). I’m talking about comment approval. Comicpress allows comment authors to be automatically approved after their first time, which is what most webcomics do from what I’ve seen. I, on the other hand, have tried to approve every single comment. It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s that I want to read every individual comment as soon as possible, so having a big red dot saying that comments need approval is a nice way of getting me to hurry. Still, I guess it would be better if you guys had a chance to have your own discussion, even if there rarely is discussion in the comments. Anyways, I’ll switch to the more traditional method for now, but only cause I like you and the OCD monster was stalking me again. Not just for the comments thing, but also for never actually making blog posts, so I get to kill two birds with one stone, right? Well, okay, I guess it’s more like catching two birds and tying them both to your hand, but at least we have a nice set of pet birds! Be sure to give lovely pets to your lolis.

Edit: Boy is my face red. I make a big deal over this comments thing and I conveniently forget that in order to accommodate for the manual approval thing I didn’t make e-mail and names mandatory. And obviously if I want to only approve comments once Comicpress needs to know who you are. Silly me. I’d inquire if switching to the traditional method is necessary, but no one reads this, so I’ll just ask for some verification for a while before I get bored and force everyone to wait for me again. Teehee.