Did you know that it was exactly ten years ago that I started drawing comics for the Internet? Don’t check, cause nobody should see my early work. Just take my word for it. But that’s a very long time to draw things! Especially given that I only started cause I wanted something to do after finishing school. It took a few years for me to get in the rhythm, but once I did, I got a nice story planned out. Ten years later, here we are.

I doubt many people will end up reading this. By now, my complaints of the difficulties in finding an audience are rather old, and I’ve done very little to promote myself. Fruit Incest has cemented itself as something people might binge later on down the line rather than as it gets updated, but for those of you here, thank you for reading, and definitely wish me luck!

I’m not sure what I’ll be drawing come ten years from now, but the first ten years as a webcomic artist have been fun. I’ve run out of ways to celebrate comic anniversaries, but it’s still a nice number to have. Here’s to the eleventh year going well, as we eventually approach the Peanut Butter Cookies Anniversary. Until then, keep reading, and keep happy, and as always, love your lolis, folks.