Funny story, I almost had this comic uploaded right on time, but it’ll be a few minutes late by the time I finish typing this because I looked over the final comic and noticed the last three pages looked less complete. Be thankful I can take a few minutes to touch things up at the expense of my OCD problems.

OCD count: 97

It’s not too bad though. Imagine how different things would be if I never bothered to put in the extra effort to get things finished on time, or at all.

  • Fruit Incest is a serious documentary about the behind the scenes production of sex lube.
  • Yours truly Miss Hedgehog spends her time as Youtube dancing icon, gaining average views and subscribers by the minute.
  • Wally the Whale is a relatively unknown publishing company that funded a single indie game before having to deal with lawsuits up the wazoo.
  • Nerdy protestors on WordPress spend their time commenting on a local blog about the everyday antics of a mall makeup saleswoman.
  • “Relatively Fresh” is the catchphrase of an apocalypse preparation service. They were made fun of for their use of unfair survivalist stashes before being forced to switch to the less catchy “You might not die with our help.”
  • Peanut butter peppermint biscuits never got the appreciation they truly deserve. The girl scout gods wept for days.
  • The FIniverse still exists but as a badly drawn webcomic about Fundamentalist Instagrams.