It’s that time of year again. The time where I leave some archived recap of the nothingness that has happened in the past year. 12 years and still going. More or less the same audience. Probably slightly smaller than its peak. Fruit Incest is still moving along. Silently. Unnoticed. But if you’re here reading it anyways, then thank you. By this point, I mostly just draw for myself, but if there’s anyone else reading and enjoying some of the comic, then that makes it worthwhile.

There’s not much news. The bio pages are becoming increasingly outdated, so I’d need to update them first, let alone make more. Some extra buffer was made this year, so I’m prepped for emergencies or just taking a week off to draw other stuff. But for the most part, things are still chugging along. Sometimes I’m curious what people would be expecting for the future if there was more audience and people to discuss the comic with. What are y’all looking forward to? I hope more than nothing. I got expectations to meet, as small as they are.

For now though, thank you for checking out, and I hope everyone’s having a good year, now and in the future. Not the past though. The past sucks. Unlike next year, with the special Triangular Fruit Anniversary.