Hey guys, it’s a good thing I never update the Concentrate section, cause it’s been down for a couple of weeks. And when I say down, I mean I deleted everything. But don’t worry, I’ve turned my Deviantart page into my official crappy old drawings dump if you ever want to see my old shames.

If you want actually decent work though, you’ll note our fancy new Concentrate page has some nice new bios of some sort. Go on, click that link there to the side. This message will be waiting for you when you’re done looking. The Cocktail section enjoys all the company it can get as well. I don’t have much now, but I’ll be making new ones whenever I have free time to fill it out with your favourite Fruit Incest celebrities. I’m very lazy though, so be sure to nag me and force me to draw your favourite characters first, like any decent fan would. I’ll be uploading them all on Tumblr as well, in case you don’t want to randomly check the page every few weeks.

I’ve also got another surprise waiting, but that one might take a while. Not for any particular reason. I could probably get it done in one afternoon, but you know how lazy I get. As you may have guessed, all these changes are for the benefit of any new readers. I’ve got five second bios and I’ll be making my lamer corners of the Fruit Incest archives easier to navigate soon. It’s a perfect time to nag your friends into reading my stuff and call them lazy bastards when they make excuses not to! I’ll be doing my best, so let’s give it our all, give me your nice brownie-based wishes of good luck, and remember to always love your lolis folks!