So how is everyone? Your favorite mistress of hedgehogs is feeling a little blue, but luckily, I’m not as depressed as she is. Miss Hedgey is still in her rough patch, but it’s slowly migrating to the rough patch that’s been with me since the beginning. Wait, I mean her. Rough patch has been with Miss Hedgey the third-person speaking cutie. Miss Hedgey’s feeling a bit obsessive compulsive too, but what else is new? Cute japanophile characteristics aside, I’m slowly getting back on my feet and currently preparing for a big project, and I mean big. More details when we get to that but for now I get a week or so of dreading the day I have to start working on it.

In the meantime, that week will be spent working on my regular job. The one that pays me more than one cent a day. It seems I shall be out of work then, and back to being a poor bum drawing for table scraps. I’m just lucky my expenses on this comic are already discountarific so I can at least keep this one thing going. And that’s what’s new in the world of Miss Hedgey. Everything else is same old same old. Same old drawing style. Same old low statistics. It’s all fine and dandy on your end isn’t it? Lucky readers don’t know how much trouble we artists go through. I need an egg salad sandwich now.

And before I forget (in fact I already did and edited this in), my tablet’s been going crazy on me. My pen settings just go haywire at random and it wont let me actually open up the settings menu to change it back for some reason. I can still work, but it’s diminished my editing skills to that of MS Paint standards. It’s caused me more than a few minor inconveniences and must be destroyed. So if you notice any minor flukes on my end, you know what to blame.

Other than that, enjoy your filler cocktail post and love your lolis everyone.